We're Tired...

Posted by Be Bougie on

Let's face it. 2020 has been an emotional, physical and spiritual roller coaster and we are JUST at the half waypoint. (Sigh)...

 We don't know about you but we have had a wide range of emotions from this past week alone from feeling sadness, fear, outrage, disappointment, anger, and helplessness. We feel deeply for the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubrey, and Breonna Taylor. Sadly, they are among a long list of too many brown men and women who were treated as less than.  

Just to be clear. 

We are unequivocally and unapologetically a black-owned company and we are TIRED. We are tired of seeing our brothers and sisters being treated as second class citizens. We are tired, as a black community, of not being heard, listened to, and being villainized at a disproportionate rate than our white counterparts. 


We are human beings. Our melanin does not change that fact. 


Although the loss of their life is not the loss of our families personally, it COULD have easily been one of our family members or even one of us. No matter the number of degrees we hold, our socioeconomic status, the neighborhood we reside, or accolades we possess in our professional careers, the color of our skin will not change- and that's what people see first and foremost. 

 Being "color-blind" is not a thing. Saying you are color blind is a part of the issue. We want you to see us, just as we are black, brown and beautiful. We want you to see that we have something to offer and give to this world we co-exist in. Our differences make us stronger. 

So we feel and understand, deeply, the pain and hurt that has been and is currently being demonstrated across this nation. 

You might ask: "Well Sis, you are just a small t-shirt company is it your place to comment on this issue? "

We say, ABSOLUTELY!  It's our OBLIGATION to speak up. And we encourage everyone, no matter your hue, to do the same. We need all hands on deck. Enough is enough. Our business tagline (Higher Standards & Unapologetic) was chosen for a reason. The fundamental intent behind our brand is exactly in line with our message to you today. 

Have a higher standard. To date, the status quo is unacceptable and we as a society must collectively rise above it. What's been done before and what works for only a few is no longer sufficient. We must hold our leaders to a higher standard. Use your power and pull to make a difference. Now is the time. 

Be Unapologetic. Conversations like these are hard, but they are necessary. It is hard for a person of color to explain themselves constantly or to adjust, diminish/minimize their existence to appear non-threatening and make the majority feel comfortable. It's hard for our white allies to have an unpopular opinion or dissenting view amongst their peers. We urge both sides to push the envelope. 

Want more out of your life. Evolve, change, and grow. We can all be better and do better. We must. What you don't understand- educate yourself. Seek to understand before you criticize.

 These are the tenets we live by. 

Won't you join us? 

If you've made it to the end of this message. We think you should. 

Be Bougie

Higher Standards and Unapologetic

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136 reviews
D9 Support

Love the stickers! I mail card and notes to family and friends snd these stickers add a little uniqueness to the mailing envelope.

D9 Support

I ordered my shirt, Progress over Perfection in white. I was pleased with the quality however the length was long. It seems it was designed for a tall person. I am 5’ therefore it came below my hips. I have to knot it in order for it to fix at the waist.

No apologies mug
Debra Faucett
D9 Support

The mug, unapologetically me was a gift given to my daughter for het birthday. She loved it!

I receive so many compliments, Luxury is definitely my lifestyle

I absolutely love this hat! It’s so me! I’ve been called bougie a time or two and this hat was made for me! I love the vintage look and the bougie-ish name on the hat! You can see the letters perfectly!