Do you ever think... I’m too loud or I’m too bossy or I’m too add whatever negative characteristic you can think of about yourself.
Well, you are not alone. Thoughts like that run through my mind constantly. For a long time I tried to change. I tired to be less of what is characteristically me. I thought....let me be quieter or let me stop taking the lead. But it never worked.
I would always revert back to being me. Then I become frustrated.
It was frustrating because I was trying to make myself something that I’m not. I was going against my nature.
Against my DNA. Against what God has made me to be.
He needs you to be exactly how he made you. All of the personality traits, the good ones and the bad ones, are vital to fulfill your assignments while on this earth.
Just think what would happen if a lion thought...My roar is too loud and my bite is too strong, I’m going to stop that. You think the lion would survive. Nope, then the jungle would be overridden by gazelles.
Or what about the elephant... if it said... I am way too fat. I’m going to lose weight. That elephant would stand no chance in the wild. Then what would those beautiful safari pictures look like.
God purposefully made you. Like ingredients in a cake. You leave one out and you won’t have a delicious cake to eat.
I have realized, when I leave out my bossy not only am I frustrated but I can’t do what I’m here for. And that would be a waste of a good life.
The moral of the story embrace your traits good, bad and indifferent because you are a perfect design.